• "Science admits if asked, that it does not know everything" - A. Lang (1897)
  • info@tapitcrew.com

Roger Page

Team Role: Historian / Investigator

How long have you been investigating the paranormal?:

Believer or Sceptic?:

Any superstitions?:

Favourite part of investigations?:

What do you feel you bring to the team?:

Favourite location?:

What was your first paranormal experience (if any)?:

If you could investigate any location, anywhere. Where would it be and why?:

Describe yourself in three words:

Paul’s thoughts on Roger: Roger has been a friend of mine for a number of years and has been through a fair bit with me not just on the paranormal side of things. I was absolutely delighted when circumstances changed and it felt right for him to re-join the team. On location Roger always brings a warm energy to the group and on his day can also be a valuable team member. We also always seem to know what each other are thinking, be that paranormal or simple smut! I believe Roger is much more open to things than what he dares to let himself believe. In time will also be a huge help on the research of existing and new locations as we move forward.