• "Science admits if asked, that it does not know everything" - A. Lang (1897)
  • info@tapitcrew.com


T.A.P.I.T. are pleased to announce we now have an affiliation with Spiritshack!!

SpiritShack Ltd

SpiritShack online shop, offers all the needed items that paranormal investigators and ghost hunters need, From quality night vision lights to EMF meters. They have the expert knowledge and experience to help advise you, with over 10 years of experience in the paranormal field.

……… and the best part is that as part of our affiliation if you use the link below to make your purchases, not only do you get the fantastic and effortless buying experience but also you help T.A.P.I.T. as we get a small contribution from them to help us continue to thrive.

Please visit Spiritshack here www.spiritshack.co.uk/?ref=tapit

Happy hunting (and shopping)