• "Science admits if asked, that it does not know everything" - A. Lang (1897)
  • info@tapitcrew.com


Hi there and welcome to the official website of “The Ashfield Paranormal Investigation Team” also known as T.A.P.I.T. We are a Paranormal Investigation Team based in England.

This site has been designed to allow you a glimpse at our work as conduct research and paranormal investigations around the United Kingdom in an attempt to answer the many questions about the paranormal world and prove or perhaps as importantly disprove the existence of ghosts, ghosts stories, poltergeists and paranormal activity.

We ask everyone who we work with or who visit this site to remain open minded about the paranormal and we encourage all of you to make up your own minds as to whether they believe in such things or if they don’t. All we wish to do is share our experiences and an insight into what we do and why.

On this site you can find information about any upcoming “Public” events we have scheduled which gives you the chance to join us in person as we conduct overnight vigils in haunted locations, you can also find out more about the team.

All opinions expressed within the content of this site are that of the individual and are not to be taken as fact or as the opinion of the rest of the team or anyone associated with us.

Thank you all,

The T.A.P.I.T. team